Sandra Gets Married

“Bridal Chorus”

Listen to Chapter 14, “Sandra Gets Married”

Sandra smiled to herself as she opened her bedroom curtains to let in the June morning sun. Too excited to eat, Sandra showered and dressed and waited. Then an old scrapbook in the corner of her closet caught her eye. She sat down and thumbed through it. There were pictures of high school and very familiar faces. The snapshots were candid shots Julie had taken, and now Sandra laughed out loud at the memorable scenes.

Julie had grown up very much since high school days. She had known the childhood agony of young and foolish first “love” with Allen Macintosh, the excitement of dating “older man” Bob Miller the summer of ‘62, and then the magic April night on Rainbow Pier when Bill Johnson had come into her life.

“Sandra, honey, are you ready yet?” The voice broke through her thoughts.

“Yes, Daddy,” she called. “I’ll be right there.”

Sandra smiled inside as she walked out to the car with her new family. It had been so hard for so long after Mommie had died, but Sandra and her father shared a strong faith in God. Now he was happy with the new Mrs. Lee.

She could hardly believe the years had finally passed, that she and Bob had finally graduated together from La Paloma College and were ready to begin their teaching careers. Graduation had been wonderful but was definitely overshadowed by the momentous event now about to take place.

While Sandra waited for Julie to arrive in the bridal room at the church, her mind wandered again. Riverdale, like the people who lived in it, had changed, too. The “little kids” who once had been so unimportant to Riverdale were now the center of everything, and the “big kids” had all grown up and many of them had moved away.

At that moment, Julie appeared, duly excited. “Well, Sandra, it’s almost time for the big moment!”

Sandra smiled. Then she sighed. “Oh, Julie, just think. In just a few minutes, Bob will stand up there on the platform just waiting for his bride!”

“Oh, Sandra! How could things be any more perfect? You know, when I first met Allen at Highview, I was so childish and stupid. I am so glad he broke up with me that weekend at Beach City and that Bill was there. Sandra, I love Bill so much! And I never dreamed that I would meet my best friend and soulmate Howard Davidson at La Paloma College. God has been so good to us both. Sandra, we’re the two luckiest girls in the entire world!”

“Julie, our cue’s coming pretty quick,” Sandra whispered. “This is it!”

It was just a few seconds until the Bridal Processional began, but in that few seconds Sandra’s life seemed to pass through her mind. She remembered the Christmases that she and Bob had spent with Bill and Julie and all the plans they had made for the coming years. Of course, their courtship and engagement had been long. She had even had a brief fling with Kurt Gaston, but that was all forgotten now.

Sandra and Julie were grownup women, not little girls of Riverdale any more. The Bridal Chorus had begun, and Julie as maid of honor had started down the aisle, her eyes transfixed on Bill, who stood behind Bob as his best man. Her heart skipped a beat, as it always did when she looked at him, and her heart seemed to melt into a hot puddle right inside her chest. She knew how difficult it had been for him to get leave time from the Army to come home to Riverdale for Sandra and Bob’s wedding. But it was so important to Julie for him to be there. He would not disappoint her if there was any way to avoid it.

A little nervously, Sandra smiled at her father and took his arm. Then they started down the aisle toward the minister on the platform where Bob stood—waiting for his bride.

But Bill and Julie were in a world of their own, gazing at each other from opposite sides of the platform, past Bob and Sandra, past this time of separation with Julie at college and Bill stationed far away on an Army base. Julie thought she had never seen Bill look so handsome, as he stood straight and tall in his rented tux. She could almost imagine what he might look like as a groom!

Unknown to Julie through Bill’s loving gaze at her, he was admiring the blue satin brocade maid of honor dress she was wearing and imagining what she would look like in white lace and pearls and a long, white veil trailing down behind her….

< Julie Meets Howard | Bill Proposes to Julie >