Going All the Way

“All the Way”

Listen to Chapter 9, “Going All the Way”

Suddenly Bill pulled away, clearing his throat, and opened his car door. Of course the inside light came on, and he reached up quickly to switch it off.

“What’s wrong?” Julie asked, a little confused.

“Nothing,” Bill said, “nothing at all, my dear.” He stood up outside on the grassy meadow and held out one hand toward her. “Come here, Sugar.”

Julie slid across the seat and under the steering wheel as he guided her gently toward him. Then they stood together, embracing, and he kissed her forehead. “Isn’t it beautiful up here at night?” It was more of a statement than a question.

“What are we doing here?” she ventured, noticing that they were very near the hay pits behind the stage house.

He took her hand, and they walked several steps. Now she could see they were only a few yards from the all-too-familiar hay pits.

“Remember last summer,” he began, “and the first time we ever kissed?”

Julie smiled, remembering it well. “Yeah, we first kissed down there, huh?” She pointed to the nearby hay pit.

He gave her an extra squeeze now. “Come on,” he urged, pulling at her slightly, “just for old times’ sake.”

“Bill!” she protested. “Look at me. I can’t go down there in my high heels!”

“Then I’ll carry you,” he replied quickly, grinning. And before she knew what was happening, Bill had swept her up, lifting her easily into his arms, prom dress and all, as she clung tightly to his neck, laughing. But, without a word, he turned and headed back to the car. Julie had stopped fighting him, and leaned her head against his, feeling that one stray lock of his soft brown hair falling onto her cheek.

When they got back to his car, he put her down gracefully, his arm still encircling her tiny waist. But it was the back car door that he opened. He sat down inside the car and reached out for her now with both hands. For a dizzying moment she hesitated.

“I love you, Kitten.” Bill’s voice was warm and almost pleading. How could she resist him now? How could she resist the warm feelings within her own heart?

She took his hands and let him pull her into the car. “Oh, Bill,” she breathed, “you are just so… so marvelous!”

They began kissing again, more fervently than before, as Bill leaned back onto the car seat and pulled Julie down on top of him. He ran his fingers through her long, silky, dark hair and across her bare shoulders. As she lay on top of him, she could still feel the large lump in his pants, now pressing hard against her lower tummy, even through the layers of crinoline underneath her dress. She felt something akin to electricity seeming to start between her legs and surge outward through her entire body. She felt her hips moving in a slow rhythm against his….


It was not quite daylight when Julie awoke, startled for only a moment to find Bill’s still-sleeping body mostly on top of her. Fully awake, she remembered clearly what had just happened a few hours before. She stirred, and Bill opened his eyes, smiling at her.

“Good morning, baby,” he said tenderly. “I love you, Kitten.”

“Bill!” she whispered, taking a deep breath. “What have we just done?”

He kissed her slightly trembling lips. “I love you, Kitten,” he repeated.

Julie sat up now. She was wearing blue jeans and a sweater. She had crumpled the prom dress in the front seat. Ah, yes! She had had the extra clothes in her overnight bag because Bill was going to take her directly back to La Paloma after the prom even though she had signed out of the dorm to be at her home in Riverdale until Sunday. But the way things had turned out—well, at least she had gotten dressed afterwards. And no one had discovered them in Bill’s car!

“Momma thinks I went back to the college last night,” she said, more to herself than to Bill. “What if she calls?”

“She won’t call before six a.m.,” Bill said coolly. “We’ve got plenty of time to get there.” He sat up beside her.

Julie dropped her head onto Bill’s chest and sighed. After a few moments she said, “We need to go.”

Wordlessly, she crammed her dress into her overnight bag and climbed over into the front seat. Bill got out of the car, adjusted his clothing slightly, and settled in under the steering wheel.

They spent most of the ride from Riverdale back to La Paloma in silence. The sun was just beginning to come up, tinting the sky with a brilliant yellow-orange on a silent early Sunday morning. Once they were out onto the highway, Bill dropped his right hand down onto the seat over Julie’s hand. She returned his gentle squeeze.

Julie knew that the back gate of the chain lock fence surrounding the girls’ side of campus would be unlocked by 6 a.m., and that Bill’s turquoise ‘57 Chevy could drive up unnoticed and let her out very close to the back basement door of the girls’ dorm. Although neither had ever done anything like this before, they were quite familiar with many stories of other daring students who had done similar things.

At long last, Bill spoke. “You have finals the week before my graduation, don’t you?” He already knew that, but said it anyway.

Julie nodded. “I’ll be home then, at least for three weeks before summer school starts.”

Again, silence froze their words as the brick dormitory rose into plain sight. Bill stopped the car just inside the gate. He looked at Julie for a long moment, wanting to say something, but he didn’t know what.

“Are you…okay?” he said, at last.

A broad smile spread across Julie’s face now. “Yes,” she said, giggling. “Marvelous!” And she disappeared into the back door of the dorm.

< Bill’s Senior Prom | Bill’s Summer Job >