Bill Gets Drafted

“Johnny Has Gone For A Soldier”

Listen to Chapter 12, “Bill Gets Drafted”

“You will be happy to know I will not be painting for Mr. Lear this summer,” Bill announced to Julie on the first day she was home for the summer.

Julie grinned and hugged Bill tightly. “It’s going to be so good to be here in Riverdale with you this summer,” she cooed.

Bill was silent for a long moment, staring off into space. “I suppose I should tell you,” he began.

Julie looked up at him, not quite knowing what to expect.

“I’ve got a full-time job at Knott’s Berry Farm,” he told her.

“Really!” Julie didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “But that’s a long way to drive—”

Bill nodded. “I know, Sugar. It will mean early mornings and late nights—”

Julie grabbed him, almost shaking him. “Bill Johnson!” she cried. “That’s what made you so sick last winter. You can’t do this again!”

“It’s different,” he insisted. “Remember, I was also trying to carry a full load of classes then.” He paused. “The pay is good, benefits are great, and—”

“And?” Julie thought she detected a hint of pain in his voice.

“And less time to have to spend in the house.”

Now Julie was thoroughly baffled. She was speechless. What is going wrong in Bill’s family?

Bill put his arms around Julie and hugged her tightly. “Sugar, let’s go somewhere so we can talk.”

Julie and Bill and his ‘57 Chevy made their way up the winding road to Riverdale Bowl. This time of year the stage house and the hay pits were deserted, and the late afternoon sun shone hot and bright on the barren fields. Julie, in her cut-off blue jean shorts and rubber flip-flops, held Bill’s hand tightly as they made their way down to “their” hay pit. They settled into a partially shaded corner, Julie leaning back onto Bill in a very familiar way.

It had been over a year since their first night visit to Riverdale Bowl, the night of Bill’s senior prom when they had stayed out all night and first made love. It was indeed “marvelous” as they continued to visit the hay pit alone as often as they could without risk of getting caught. They had also learned to use condoms, so there was no worry about getting Julie pregnant before they were ready.

Today, however, Bill had brought Julie up here for something totally different, a baring of his soul that stripped him far more naked than any baring of his body could. Today, as he turned Julie over on top of him, he hugged her closer than he ever had before. His hands trembled as he ran his fingers absentmindedly through her long silky dark hair.

Today Bill would tell Julie exactly what was going wrong, family secrets that no one but Julie—ever—would be privy to know. Today would be the first—but not the last—time that Julie would see Bill cry….

It was well past dark when Julie felt Bill stir under her, where they had both fallen into an exhausting sleep after their long ordeal. Julie felt the dried tearstains on her own cheeks, as she shared his tears, and she reached out in the darkness to touch Bill’s face. She felt his arms tighten around her as she sensed fresh tears were flowing from Bill’s eyes.

“Oh, Bill,” she cried again, “I am so sorry! I wish there were something I could do!”

He touched her lips with his fingertips, her soft pink mouth he knew so well. “You have done something,” he assured her. “You have listened to me, and you understand me, and you love me.”

“More than anything or anyone else in the world,” she whispered.

“And that’s the most important thing that you can do, baby,” he sighed. “I think I can make it through this—I don’t know how, but I will—with you by my side.”

“I’ll always be here for you, Bill—for us,” Julie said. “Forever and always, I promise!”

They kissed now, a long, sweet lip kiss that seemed to seal their hearts even closer together and bonded their very souls and spirits into one.

Julie understood now, more than she ever knew she could. She understood Bill could not return to La Paloma College that fall. She knew, too, the most likely consequence of a young man past age 18 who was not enrolled in school.

The summer passed too quickly, and once again Julie packed to move into the dormitory, once again rooming with Sandra Lee. Bill continued working and saw Julie on weekends as often as possible. Then came that fateful day in November when Bill received the letter that Julie had so much dreaded.

“Hi, baby!” Bill tried hard to sound cheerful on the phone, but Julie knew him so well that she could detect the slightest hint of something wrong.

“It happened, didn’t it?” She got directly to the point.

Bill did not evade her question. “Yes, Sugar, I’m afraid I’ve been drafted into the United States Army.”

< Bill Almost Dies | Julie Meets Howard >