After Julie’s Graduation

“Summer Place”

Listen to Chapter 5, “After Julie’s Graduation”

Soon Julie’s life was filled with the excitement of graduation from Highview Academy. It didn’t matter anymore that Allen wasn’t around to share it with her. She had just been awarded a California State Scholarship and could go to college next fall. And Bill and his mother Lena were going to move to Riverdale just as soon as school was out.

Sandra had just spent her freshman year at La Paloma College, only 35 miles away from Riverdale. But this summer she was working at Snackies as she was planning to go up north to Pacific Christian College to be with Bob in the fall. She had also talked Julie into going with her and being her roommate. It was going to be so much fun! But then Julie’s Momma had changed her mind about letting her go so far away from home.

Now the summer was almost over. Then in sauntered Julie.

Sandra brought ice water to the short brunette who had already seated herself on a snack bar stool. “You’re our best customer—for water, that is! Been shopping?”

“Oh, I just picked up my bedspread and rug at Woolworth’s, since our plans for rooming together fell through.”

“Oh, Julie, don’t you think there’s any more hope? We’ve planned this for so long!”

“None.” Julie shook her head. “Well, at least we’ve managed so far to get to be at Emorys’ house every weekend for the Riverdale Youth Club socials. And we can’t complain about that!”

Sandra’s eyes sparkled. “Boy, we’ve sure had some great times on Saturday nights—and afternoons, too—haven’t we?”

Julie nodded. “It’s been a marvelous summer.” She stared into the empty glass. Julie thought especially of the times when they had driven up to the Riverdale Bowl where the historical Riverdale Pageant was held every spring. During the past year, they had often gone up there on lazy Saturday afternoons. They had found a secret entrance into the back of the outdoor stage set, complete with two large hay pits which the actors jumped into during scenes when they were supposed to be falling off the adobe roofs.

The very first time Julie and Bill and Sandra and Bob went to the hay pits was when Bob had come down from college after spring quarter. After discovering what fun it was to jump into the hay pits and “accidentally” fall on top of each other, Bob and Sandra eventually got tired and found that snuggling together in the hay came naturally.

Afterward they gathered on the flat rock at the base of the live oak tree whose dark green branches were silhouetted in the pale hazy sky. Far across the parched field the jagged purple mountains rose, hiding the softly fading gold and crimson that streaked the June sky. Not even a breeze was astir as the most welcome coolness settled over the warm earth. Julie gazed into the sunset, keenly aware of Bill’s presence and his arm around her shoulder.

After their quiet evening worship prayer of thankfulness, it was a long moment before anyone could speak. Then magically their voices united in a simple hymn as the stars appeared like little lights in the window of heaven.

Even after Bob had gone back to Pacific Christian College for the rest of the summer, Julie and Bill and Kurt and Sandra had continued to sneak into the Riverdale Bowl and “play” in the hay pits on Saturday afternoons. Sometime Darlene or Peter Macintosh would be with the group, too. And, with Kurt and Bill around, Sandra and Julie hadn’t spent one Saturday night at home since that magic weekend last April at Beach City.

Now Julie’s gaze shifted to Sandra. “What about Bob?”

Vivacious Sandra grew even more restless. “Oh, Julie, I don’t know! I can’t wait to get up north at Pacific Christian College with Bob—before it’s too late.”

“Too late for what?” Julie handed her the empty water glass.

“Julie—I’m falling in love with Kurt. I actually want to let him kiss me. And it’s not right! It’s not fair to Bob—he’s waited so long.”

“Kurt!” Julie was stunned. “I know the four of us have been together all summer, especially at Riverdale Bowl. Wasn’t it neat that just last Saturday night Bill asked me to go steady? But you and Kurt—”

“Oh, I know. Kurt has liked me secretly for a long time. He was so afraid that when you and Bill had that big quarrel after your graduation that the four of us would never be together again.”

Julie winced as she remembered. “I know, that was so stupid. You know, I almost lost Bill for good! He was so sure that I still loved Allen. It was all I could do to convince him that everything is over with Allen.”

“Oh, Julie, Bill belongs with you. But Kurt is so sweet and gentle….” Sandra shook herself. “What am I saying? I belong with Bob!”

Julie smiled. “As if you should worry. I have to tell you this, but please, don’t tell Bill. Promise?”

Sandra leaned forward eagerly. “Yes? Tell me!”

“Well, Allen wants to date me again—I don’t know why. After the suddenness of that episode at Beach City when he left me for blonde, beautiful Mindi, it’s hard to believe he wants me back. Especially how I carried on with the ‘marvelous’ Bill Johnson that same Saturday night!”

“Julie!” Sandra spoke with playful sternness. “You know good and well—no matter what happened in the past—Allen is in love with you. Always has been, always will be—and is now!

Julie shook her head adamantly. “Doesn’t matter. I’m Bill’s girl now.”

Sandra fetched a glass for herself. “Say, aren’t you rather looking forward to staying here in Riverdale Valley this fall? Especially now that Bill and Lena Johnson have moved to Riverdale…”

“But I won’t see him except for when I come home on leave. And you know that freshmen only get to come home every six weeks.” Julie sighed. “I’m really glad that Allen will be almost a hundred miles from La Paloma after school starts when he goes back to San Margo Academy for his senior year.”

“I bet Allen will try to find some way to get to La Paloma to visit you, don’t you think?”

Julie only sighed, shaking her head, trying to change the subject. “Sandra, I wanted to go to Pacific Christian College as badly as you do!”

Silently, Sandra set down her glass then leaned on the counter, her chin in her hands and her eyes fastened on Julie. “Oh, really, now?!”

Julie stood up. “W-well, almost as badly as you do. See you!”

Sandra laughed as Julie’s well-rounded figure slipped out the door and into her car. She returned the bewitching grin before Julie put on her glasses and drove away. Then the long shining black hair behind the steering wheel disappeared as Julie’s Rambler got lost in traffic.

< Julie’s Ride Home from Beach City | Julie Goes to College >