Remembering Mexico

“Mas Alla Del Sol” (instrumental)

Listen to “Remembering Mexico”

Christmas in Mexico! Last year it was an adventure; this year, well, Julie didn’t know. There would be the same little town, the same old Spanish school, and probably most of the same young people—but not the same Allen.

Only a year ago a very happy boy and girl were going to all the meetings together that weekend, enjoying each other’s friendship, sharing the same faith, and loving the same God. There had been the grassy tree-shaded plaza where they ate in the twilight ’neath the southern stars—the Saturday night walk and the old Spanish mansion and the strumming of a lone guitar. Then there was that Sunday and shopping in Mexico—the scheme of Gloria and Julie to get Allen a real Mexican wallet for Christmas, which was so carefully planned, then so promptly figured out by Allen. Even now, Julie couldn’t quite forget the strains of the Spanish chorus fading into the night.

“Romantic, festive, yes; but Christmas isn’t all built around Allen,” reminded Sandra.

“No, not all,” agreed Julie. “But he sure helped!”

The old Christmas carols, the simple Christmas story, another log in the stone fireplace—this had been Julie’s Christmas Eve last year. That was the night Allen had squeezed her hand so gently and meaningfully, and said, “You’re the greatest, Julie. I love you, punkin.” That was the night he gave her the white Bible, the symbol of everything good and beautiful, everything their love stood for.

“I know Christmases can be neat,” Sandra said now reminiscently. “I remember last year and Christmas shopping with LeRoy…” Then her tone changed suddenly. “But really, men aren’t so important. If every Christmas were just exactly alike, it would get pretty boring, wouldn’t it? Just forget Allen and have a nice Christmas with your own family! Next year”—and she changed back to the old Sandra again—“who knows? There might be this tall, handsome guy—”

“Allen!” Julie broke in almost teasingly.

“Never can tell!” Sandra laughed as Julie opened the car door. “Goodnight, Julie!” she called as Julie waved from her front porch.

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